We are able to deliver any of our usual face to face training via Zoom if you are interested please contact us for further details.


Three Day Conference Facilitation Training for selected staff

Our three-day course will enable staff to develop the necessary understanding of the practices and aims of restorative approaches and restorative justice conferencing to start using it's principles within their school.    We do this by examining the underlying philosophies of restorative approaches and how they build community, promote positive relationships, build social and communication skills.  We also consider how restorative justice conferencing enable staff to both repair relationships and change behaviour.  This course will teach the whole range of restorative options from how to have an informal chat to how to prepare and run a formal restorative justice conference.  We aim to achieve this by way of active learning and skills practice.

Cost – Up to 12 delegates £1,800* / more than 12 delegates £2,600*


Three Day Advanced Training for selected staff from Special Education

Our three-day course will enable staff to develop the necessary understanding of the practices and aims of restorative approaches and restorative justice conferencing to start using it's principles within their special education setting.    We do this by examining the underlying philosophies of restorative approaches and how they build community, promote positive relationships, build social and communication skills.  We also consider how restorative justice and restorative approaches enable staff to both repair relationships and change behaviour with challenging pupils.  This course will teach the whole range of restorative options from how to have an informal and formal chats to how to prepare and run 1-1 support sessions for pupils outside of mainstream education.  We aim to achieve this by way of active learning and skills practice.

Cost – Up to 12 delegates £1,800* / more than 12 delegates £2,600*


Two Day Conference Facilitation Training for selected staff

Our two-day course is a condensed version of the three-day course above, however we ask that schools ensure that staff are not on duty at any time during the training and that they are available for at least 6 training hours during the two days.

Cost – Up to 12 delegates £1,450* / more than 12 delegates £2,000*


Two Day Introduction for Special Education 

Our two-day introductory course is an opportunity to look at how the approach works within a SEBD, PRU, or any school working with vulnerable and challenging pupils.  We suggest that the two days are separated by at least half a term, ideally a full term.

Cost – Up to 12 delegates £1,450* / more than 12 delegates £1,800*


One Day Restorative Approaches Training  

An opportunity to explore the benefits of restorative approaches and how they create a positive learning environment.  We look at restorative approaches and how they can help your school build community and maintain healthy relationships.  We do this by examining the underlying philosophies and practices of restorative approaches.  We examine how restorative approaches produce positive outcomes for young people in conflict and the benefits of a process that looks at how harm done can be repaired above the need for blame and automatic sanctions.  We consider how conferencing can reduce exclusions, bullying and disruptive behaviour as well as promote emotional literacy, personal responsibility taking, accountability and enhance a positive learning environment for your school.  Our one day programme is delegate led and has up to nine workshops so staff can explore how restorative approaches could benefit them within their own role.

Cost - up to 12 delegates £750* / more than 12 delegates £950*


Half Day Training 

An opportunity to explore the benefits of restorative approaches and how they create a positive learning environment.  We look at how restorative approaches can help your school build community and maintain healthy relationships.  We do this by examining the underlying philosophies and practices of restorative approaches.  We examine how restorative approaches produce positive outcomes for young people in conflict and the benefits of a process that looks at how harm done can be repaired above the need for blame and automatic sanctions.  We consider how conferencing can reduce exclusions, bullying and disruptive behaviour as well as promote emotional literacy, personal responsibility taking, accountability and enhance a positive learning environment for your school. Our half day programme is delegate led and has up to five workshops for staff to explore the benefits of restorative approaches within their own role.

Cost - up to 24 delegates £650* / more than 24 delegates £750*


Twilight Sessions/CPD

Either 1½ or 2 hour sessions to give a basic introduction or look at a particular aspect of restorative approaches.  We are happy to write a twilight session specially aimed to meet your schools specific needs at no extra cost or we also offer three twilight sessions that can be delivered independently or build into 6 hours of training.

Single Introductory Twilight Session – Either a whole school or small group introduction to restorative approaches and how it can benefit a school.  We explore effective ways that a school can easily implement a more restorative approach to develop conflict resolution and restorative values supported by DVD, hand outs and group exercise.

Cost – For Single Twilight £500* up to 12 delegates / more than 12 delegates £550*


Set of Three Twilights Session 1 - Basic introduction to Restorative Approaches: restorative language, our aims for education and why sanctions aren’t always the answer, the framework of restorative processes both formal and informal that build community, empathy, truth telling and accountability, restorative language.  Session 2 – The needs of participants in conflict, a further look at the restorative, how to run a restorative chat.  Session 3 -.Why we do the right thing, how we achieve accountability, truth telling and a change of behaviour, skills practice.

Cost – Regardless of Size Set of 3 Twilights £1,250*

Cost – Regardless of Size Set of 4 Twilights £1,450*

Cost – Regardless of Size Set of 6 Twilights £1,800*


Mid-Day Meal and Dining Hall Staff – 2 Hour Before/After Lunch Session

Considers how to create a restorative dining hall and/or playground.  This necessitates staff being fluent in restorative language and recognizing the benefits of resolving conflict restoratively.  We explore how to create a restorative resolution and devise personal restorative scripts with staff to facilitate low level restorative conversations.

Cost – Regardless of Size £450*


Mid-Day Meal and Dining Hall Staff – Training and Support Package

This consists of a two hour training as described above, then continues into the playground to offer support to your staff, followed by a one hour debrief.

Cost – Regardless of Size £475*


Restorative Justice 4 Schools - About Us

We are a small but very experienced training provider.  Part of our service is to provide a comprehensive follow up service and on-going support either by telephone or email at no extra cost.  We have produced a restorative approaches schools’ implementation pack that you may find useful, if you would like a copy you are able to download one from our website following the link below.   If you need any more information please do not hesitate to phone or email me.

Link to implementation pack – this can also be found from our website home page

Implementation Pack